Bamboo products are everywhere. From underwear to straws and even bricks (which are really cool by the way). It seems like the plant influences every industry in a sustainable way. Whether everything is truly sustainable is still questionable. But the idea is nice and we appreciate the creativity.
We have collected some fun and remarkable products showing how you can "become more sustainable" with bamboo. But first, let's explain what bamboo is and what makes the plant so sustainable.
What is bamboo and why is it sustainable
First, a piece that will make you smarter. What is bamboo and what makes it so sustainable? Bamboo is a type of grass that mainly occurs in East Asia. Bamboo grows under various conditions and there are over 1000 species. You have bamboo as a broad tree stem of 30 meters high in a rainforest in China and in your grandmother's garden in the Netherlands.
What the plant is especially known for is that bamboo grows fast. Bamboo grows so fast that the plant holds the world record for fastest growing plant on earth at a maximum of 91 centimeters per day. Compared to other renewable resources like trees, it's up to 30 times faster. Also read everything about pruning bamboo.
Besides bamboo's renewability, the plant is also self-fertilizing. After harvesting, the roots remain intact and the plant continues to grow. This means that due to the renewable qualities of bamboo, it's no longer necessary to deforest primary forests.
Did you know that bamboo has natural anti-fungal DNA? This allows the plant to be grown and produced without pesticides or chemicals. This makes paper from 100% organic bamboo completely biodegradable and also hygienic.
Bamboo has high CO2 storage and thus contributes to purifying the earth. This happens especially when the stem grows. Bamboo absorbs 35% more carbon and releases 35% more oxygen than the average tree. By managing bamboo forests well, you can create an efficient system.
Finally, bamboo is incredibly strong. A bamboo stem is one of the strongest building materials in the world. It has a tensile strength of 28,000 inches per square millimeter compared to 23,000 inches for steel.
So it's about using bamboo as an alternative material. Bamboo possesses several properties that make it extremely sustainable, such as the plant's rapid growth. Items made from trees are therefore most logical because bamboo fibers can do the same as paper fibers. On the other hand, very hard materials can be replaced, such as building materials. Read more about what bamboo is.

Saving plastic with bamboo products
Plastic is a big problem. Because it's not biodegradable and will therefore forever wander somewhere on earth. Using bamboo as an alternative here sounds logical, provided it's made in a sustainable way.
Here are some products where bamboo replaces plastic:
- Bamboo single-use cutlery, plates, and cups
- Reusable straws made of hard bamboo
- Bamboo toothbrush
- Reusable bamboo coffee cup
- Bamboo comb or brush

Saving trees with bamboo products
Trees are mainly used for paper and tissues. Think about all the daily needs where you alone need paper. From the toilet to the office, paper is everywhere. Here are some sustainable alternatives:
- 100% bamboo toilet paper
- Bamboo napkins
- Bamboo kitchen towels
- Bamboo print paper
- Bamboo packaging
Order Bamboi bamboo toilet paper!