All about bamboo shoots

February 12, 2024
Alles over bamboescheuten
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Because the bamboo plant grows quickly by nature, there are advantages associated with utilizing the plant. For example, bamboo can be used as a substitute material for making everyday objects such as toilet paper. In addition, the bamboo plant has even more positive properties. Did you know, for instance, that bamboo is also edible? Bamboo shoots - actually the baby plants of bamboo - are used in many Asian dishes in various ways. Moreover, bamboo shoots are also healthy because they are naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

What are bamboo shoots?

As mentioned above, bamboo shoots are the young sprouts of the bamboo plant. Bamboo shoots look a bit like asparagus and sprout next to the bamboo. Like all other grass species, bamboo stores its strength in the roots underground. This ensures that bamboo grows quickly when conditions are favorable. Due to the toxic cyanogenic glycosides present in bamboo, the raw shoots are not edible. When the bamboo shoots are cooked, this substance breaks down.

Fresh bamboo shoots can be kept for up to two weeks if stored properly in the refrigerator and away from sunlight. When bamboo shoots are exposed to sunlight, they develop a bitter taste. The same taste occurs in older, not fresh shoots. Therefore, older bamboo shoots must be thinly sliced and then boiled multiple times before they can be eaten.

What are bamboo shoots

What can you do with bamboo shoots?

Bamboo shoots can be processed in various ways and are therefore available in fresh, dried, or canned varieties. Once cooked, bamboo shoots are crispy and have a fresh taste. In the Netherlands, we may not be as familiar with bamboo shoots as a vegetable, but they are widely used in Asian cuisine in particular. For example, the shoots can be sliced into strips and served as a side dish with a little soy sauce and butter. The shoots can also be added to soups, stews, salads, and gravies.

Pickled bamboo shoots serve as oriental snacks. The pith of the young shoots can also be pickled and used as a spice. This menma is a commonly used garnish for ramen noodle soup. In Thai cuisine, bamboo shoots are used in stir-fry dishes, in soups such as tom kha kai, in curries, but also in salads. In Indonesia, it is common to slice the shoots into thin strips and cook them in coconut milk and spices to make gulai rebung (an Indonesian curry). Other recipes with bamboo shoots include sayur lodeh (mixed vegetables in coconut milk) and lun pia (also known as lumpia: fried wrapped bamboo shoots with vegetables).

Are bamboo shoots healthy?

According to a publication in Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, bamboo shoots are low in calories, rich in dietary fiber, and packed with essential nutrients. These nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals, fats, sugars, fibers, and salts. For example, 100 grams of these vegetables contain only 27 calories, a high protein content (2.6 g), and a negligible amount of fat (0.3 g). Also notable is the amount of vitamins that bamboo shoots contain, such as vitamin A, E, B vitamins, thiamine, and folic acid. Additionally, this vegetable also consists of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron.

In Asian countries, bamboo shoots are particularly known for their health benefits. Due to the vitamins and minerals, bamboo shoots are ideal for improving the body's immune system. The oxidants are also essential for strengthening the body from within. There are studies that suggest that the phytosterols and phytonutrients contained in bamboo shoots are ideal for reducing cholesterol levels. This ensures a smooth supply and movement of blood through the body and thus protects heart health.

Other researched health benefits include aiding in healthy bowel movements and anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, bamboo shoots can also help. Read more about bamboo and the benefits of bamboo toilet paper.

in cleaning wounds and ulcers. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that bamboo shoots can also help induce labor.

In short, bamboo shoots are a versatile ingredient that can be used in various types of dishes in different ways. Besides the fact that bamboo shoots are edible, they also have medicinal properties and are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The versatility of bamboo shoots further reinforces the general notion that bamboo contributes to improving the world.

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