Bamboi's bamboo toilet paper is completely free of added chemicals and therefore suitable for sensitive skin.
If someone suffers from an allergy, it's wise to look for products labeled 'hypoallergenic' to prevent an allergic reaction. Hypoallergenic means that a product contains few substances that cause allergies, known as allergens. However, since there is no generally accepted scientific or legal definition of the term, the word hypoallergenic on a label doesn't always provide protection.
There are many different products described as hypoallergenic. Sellers of products such as cosmetics, toys, clothing, utensils, and even pets can label a product as hypoallergenic without having to comply with any government-prescribed standard. It's therefore logical that hypoallergenic carries different meanings for different products.
Bamboo toilet paper has many advantages. Bamboo can be grown without pesticides, fertilizers, or chemicals. This is due to the natural antibacterial property of bamboo Kun, which protects the bamboo plant during growth and in the making of paper fibers. Bamboi toilet paper consists of 100% organic, unbleached rolls. As a result, Bamboi is free from added chemicals and the toilet paper can be labeled as hypoallergenic. Bamboo toilet paper from Bamboi is very suitable for sensitive skin. Also read where Bamboi is produced.

What is hypoallergenic?
Hypo means less in Latin. An allergen is a substance that triggers allergic reactions in people. Therefore, hypoallergenic means that a product contains fewer substances that someone could be allergic to. Hypoallergenic products contain ingredients that minimize the chance of an allergic reaction.
Hypoallergenic meaning
But what exactly does hypoallergenic mean? That varies per product. There is no generally accepted scientific or legal definition of the term hypoallergenic. This means that although a label may say hypoallergenic, it doesn't immediately protect against an allergic reaction. Sellers of cosmetic products, toys, clothing, and even pets can be labeled 'hypoallergenic' without having to comply with any government-prescribed standard.
There are many different types of allergens in nature: pollen, dust mites, animal hair, insect bites, and various foods. All these substances can cause an allergic reaction that in some cases can even be life-threatening. A mild allergic reaction can also cause itching, runny nose, sneezing, and headaches. An allergic skin reaction can be recognized by itchy red rash. In case of a severe allergic reaction, the body can go into anaphylactic shock.
Usually, anaphylactic shock starts as a mild allergic reaction, for example with itching. Within half an hour, additional symptoms occur, such as swollen lips, wheezing, fainting, vomiting, low blood pressure. Anaphylactic shock is a serious reaction. When the above symptoms occur, an ambulance should be called as soon as possible.
Tightening of hypoallergenic rules
The term hypoallergenic is not legally defined and is therefore free to use. However, since 2019, the rules regarding hypoallergenic products have been tightened. Officially, it is now only allowed to use the word hypoallergenic on products if a company can prove that the product only contains ingredients that are proven to carry a very small risk of allergic reaction. This varies by product, of course, and can therefore be difficult to define. But hypoallergenic still doesn't mean there's absolutely no risk of an allergic reaction.
The question is whether all brands are aware of the tightened rules. It is therefore advisable not to blindly trust this claim, and to check the ingredients of products on the packaging. When checking the ingredients list, it can be useful to know that ingredients are not always listed in common language. In the case of chemical substances, scientific names are common. For natural substances, manufacturers often use the Latin names of the given herbs. As mentioned above, Bamboi toilet paper consists of completely organic unbleached paper and can therefore be labeled as free from added chemicals and hypoallergenic.

Hypoallergenic and bamboo
In general, the bamboo plant is known to be naturally antibacterial. A study from 2012 in the Journal of the Textile Institute shows that Australian-grown Moso bamboo (phyllostachys pubescens) contains natural antibacterial substances in the plant's lignin. Lignin is a class of complex organic polymers present in the cell walls of many plants making them stiff, woody, and rot-resistant. In bamboo's case, the lignin is responsible for protecting the bamboo plant against weather conditions and external damage. They also serve as storage for bamboo's antibacterial substances.
Another study from Japan has also established that bamboo shoots can be used as antibacterial material. They found that extracts from bamboo shoot skin inhibited the growth of bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. This could mean that in the future, it might be possible to make antibiotics derived from bamboo. Besides bamboo, there are other plants with natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, such as apple, chamomile, clove, garlic, hemp, onion, and turmeric.
The natural antibacterial property of bamboo is commonly called Kun or bamboo Kun. There is no Dutch translation for this word yet. Bamboo Kun is responsible for bamboo's natural ability to repel most bacteria, fungi, insects, and pests. Bamboo Kun is the reason why bamboo can reproduce in nature even without pesticides and herbicides. This is in contrast to other industrial crops like cotton and corn, which need good maintenance, fertilizers, and pesticides to grow. Using bamboo for making products is therefore indeed better for the climate. This is one of the reasons why bamboo is organic and environmentally friendly and is considered a more sustainable crop.

Is Bamboi hypoallergenic?
Although it's a broad, unprotected term, hypoallergenic generally means that a product contains fewer substances that someone could be allergic to. Because there are many different types of products that can be labeled as hypoallergenic, it's difficult to determine when something truly deserves the title hypoallergenic product. Because such a wide range of hypoallergenic products exists, it also varies per product when something is hypoallergenic. The bamboo toilet paper from Bamboi is soft and completely free of added chemicals. Bamboi toilet paper is therefore suitable for sensitive skin. From this, it can be concluded that bamboo is indeed hypoallergenic. Buy our bamboo toilet paper in the Bamboi shop.