Bamboo is a plant species that belongs to the grasses (Poaceae). Like almost all other grasses, this grass species is hard and has hollow stems. The bamboo plant is very suitable for making specific sustainable products, but can also serve as a (house)plant. When bamboo is used for human purposes, it is useful to consider the difference between the various types of bamboo. We distinguish between two types of bamboo: running and non-running bamboo.
Running bamboo species such as Phyllostachys, Pseudosasa and Sasa grow using underground vertical runners, causing them to occupy a large piece of land. When planting bamboo in a domestic environment, it is therefore desirable to install a bamboo barrier. Non-running bamboo continues to grow in the same spot and therefore causes little to no nuisance to road traffic or neighbors. The most well-known non-running bamboo species is Fargesia Murieliae. This is a suitable bamboo species for gardens, for example. Below follows the necessary information about running and non-running bamboo and planting them.
Running bamboo
Running bamboo forms underground runners, also called rhizomes. These runners don't grow very deep into the ground, but they can spread horizontally very far. New bamboo shoots emerge from these runners. In the case of running bamboo species, even years after the first bamboo shoot has grown, new plants can emerge from the ground meters away.
In nature, this is beneficial. Where a first bamboo shoot must fight for its place in the ground to get all nutrients, subsequent bamboo shoots can use the network of underground roots. Thus, it's possible that from a small weak bamboo plant of a running bamboo species, new and stronger bamboo plants grow several years later. Due to the vertically spreading rhizomes, it's possible that an entire bamboo forest has grown from just one underground bamboo rootstock.
However, running bamboo is less advantageous to plant in the garden or on the balcony. The bamboo species grows uncontrollably, and is so strong and fast that it's difficult to keep the bamboo in check. It is therefore wise to purchase a bamboo barrier when running bamboo is placed in the garden. An example of a running bamboo species is the previously mentioned Phyllostachys. Other common running bamboo species are the Pseudo Sasa and the Sasa. The Phyllostachys aurea and the Pseudosasa japonica also belong to the running bamboo plant species.

Non-running bamboo
Unlike running bamboo, non-running bamboo species don't get runners and grow from a compact clump. A clump is a u-shaped rootstock that develops upward. These new rootstocks emerge from shoots on an existing rootstock. This stimulates the shoots to multiply within the existing surface area, giving the bamboo clumps a lumpy shape.
Generally, non-running bamboo species can better withstand drought than running bamboo species. Compared to running bamboo, non-running bamboo species can dig relatively deep and therefore also live in shady conditions. This root system develops in a compressed clump and grows gradually, usually no more than a few centimeters per year. With non-running bamboo species, therefore, no root barrier is needed to keep the bamboo together.
Non-running bamboo species grow upward from a clump. This clump grows along as the bamboo gets bigger and older. This means that when a non-running bamboo plant grows, the clump underground also gets bigger in a concentrated spot. This is somewhat comparable to the growth of trees: as the bamboo ages, the concentrated clump underground also gets larger. There are various types of bamboo that are categorized as non-running bamboo species, such as the Fargesia Murieliae, Bambusa and Borinda for example.
The Fargesia is the most used bamboo species. There are few plants that can hide unwanted views and intrusiveness so quickly and effectively. Fargesia is a fine-leaved bamboo species that grows in poles and doesn't spread. Moreover, it's a bamboo species that can be used along ponds, as a beautiful hedge, and in pots.

Planting bamboo
Bamboo is a popular garden plant, particularly due to its rapid growth and long thin stems. Some bamboo is suitable for planting in a more tropical climate, while others are suitable for a more urban environment. Non-running bamboo, for example, works well as a natural barrier. Running bamboo is more difficult to control and if no bamboo barrier is used, they quickly outgrow their space. When running bamboo gets out of hand, it is very difficult to remove.
Most bamboo species thrive in moist, well-drained soil. Most soil types are sufficient for planting bamboo, but some do better in acidic soil. Most bamboo species also love sun, but some non-running bamboo plants like the Sasa, can be grown in shade. It is most favorable to plant bamboo in spring to stimulate the development of strong roots and poles before the bamboo goes dormant in autumn.
There are various reasons to plant bamboo: to create height, to create a beautiful hedge, to form a partition, or to cover a wall. The advantage of planting bamboo compared to (ornamental) grasses, is that bamboo generally maintains its fresh green color throughout the year. Grasses only stay green in rare cases, during a mild winter. After this, they need to be cut back lengthwise, resulting in a loss of privacy. Bamboo doesn't need to be pruned: it's only desirable to occasionally remove some dry leaves from between the plants.
All in all, all bamboo species can be divided into two categories: running and non-running bamboo. These two types of bamboo differ in how they grow. Running bamboo doesn't grow very deep into the ground and grows vertically, allowing multiple bamboo plants to grow for years from one bamboo rhizome up to kilometers away. Non-running bamboo, on the other hand, grows deeper into the ground and is concentrated in one spot, creating a concentrated group of bamboo stems. Non-running bamboo is therefore most favorable when one wants to plant bamboo themselves in the garden or on the balcony.
Bamboi toilet paper is made from Neosinocalamus affinis, a non-running bamboo plant. Our bamboo toilet paper has many advantages and is produced in China, where large bamboo forests can be found. Order our bamboo toilet paper here! Also read everything about our co2 footprint.